Capital Kids Cricket


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Anti-Discrimination Statement

Capital Kids Cricket is committed to providing a welcoming environment across all our projects where everyone is respected and valued. We work to eliminate all forms of discrimination and actively challenge perceived discrimination or inequality wherever this is seen.

Our policy is underpinned by the principles of the Human Rights Act:

  • Fairness – right to a fair hearing
  • Respect – respecting people’s right to privacy and confidentiality
  • Equality – freedom from discrimination
  • Dignity – freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment
  • Autonomy – the right to be involved in decisions that affect you.

These are known as the FREDA principles.

Providing equality of opportunity means understanding and appreciating the diversity of our own staff/representatives, those of our member organisations and the service users and local communities. REACHING PEOPLE actively encourages people to challenge discrimination and promote equality of opportunity for all.

Equality of opportunity does not mean treating everybody exactly the same. It means recognising that all people are individual and unique and therefore we will aim to adapt the way we work in order to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, equally and have access to the same opportunities as is reasonably practicable.

The organisation operates within the guidelines of the Commission for Racial Equality’s Code of Conduct and complies fully with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act, the Race Relations Act, the Sex Discrimination Act, and any other relevant legislation that may be in force.


We aim to ensure that everyone using our services, our employees and member organisations are not discriminated against due to (but not exclusive to) age; gender; religion; cultural or ethnic origin; race; disability; HIV status; sexuality orientation or marital status.