Capital Kids Cricket


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About Capital Kids Cricket

CKC is a youth development charity that uses cricket to overcome societal challenges and empower young people. We tackle social, emotional, and physical challenges faced by many young people. We see cricket as a sport that allows many to “escape from mental and social issues and find opportunities.” We aim to inspire young people to challenge themselves which ultimately might change their lives. We are one of the most diverse cricket organizations within United Kingdom.

Clubs in Need Launched

Former England Captain Nasser Hussain OBE Launches “Clubs in Need” Programme to Revive Cricket Clubs and Empower Youth. Read more:

Newsletter link: CKC’s Clubs in Need Launched by Nasser Hussain OBE

CKC Community Hub

nauguration of CKC Community Hub today 9th July 2024 at 102-104 Cavell Street, Whitechapel, London E1 2JA  [read more]


Numbers in 2021/22









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Our Projects

We deliver and support a wide variety of projects. From our pioneering work in hospital schools to delivering the UK’s largest indoor primary school league.

Our Inspiration

Cruz was born with kidney problems and was on dialysis at Evelina Children’s Hospital School almost from birth. From the age of 2 he began to take part in our weekly sports sessions at Evelina and, in 2021, received a kidney transplant. He is now attending mainstream primary school and is full energy! Watch to find out how our specialist coaches, Denise O’Neill and Ray Tudor, change lives and bring joy to children, young people, and families dealing with the most difficult of circumstances.

How can you help us

Sponsor a refugee child to participate in our programme
Support a child now
Sponsor a club
Support a Club now
Sponsor a young person to became a coach
Support a young coach
Sponsor a child to take a residential trip
Support a child now

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