CKC Health and Wellbeing Project

All through 2020 we have adapted our work in light of COVID-19 (learn more here: Cricket Against COVID ) and in doing so have grown closer to the communities and families we support than ever before!

With funding from the Charity Aid Foundation, this work hit new heights with the launch of the CKC Health and Wellbeing Project. Since October, we have been be able to continue to provide virtual boxing, cricket and women’s only aerobics sessions as well as bringing in new and exciting sessions.


One of the most exciting aspects of the Health and Wellbeing Project is our #CKCAgainstHunger campaign that, over the course of February and March, will allow us to provide over 2,000 free meals to children experiencing, at-risk of experiencing, food poverty.

Taking place across east London (Newham, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets), we are both humbled and thrilled to have the opportunity to run this project!

Read more about this project in the East London News:

To learn more about this project, contact us at:

Family Discussion Groups

Covering a wide-range of topics, our regular workshop/discussion group sessions with families have helped to tackle isolation, improve mental health and wellbeing and formed friendships and bonds that will last into the future.

These discussion groups have also been a great source of ideas and have got us working on a number of projects to help us be even better at serving our communities – watch this space!


At the beginning of February we launched our #10000stepschallenge as a way to get families active by completing 10,000 steps per day and sharing it on a specially created WhatsApp group.

With no goal in mind (other than completing 10,000 steps everyday), the group started with just 10 people, but has now grown to over 50 participants and we are now attempting to collectively walk around the world!

So far we have completed a whopping 5,789,070 steps and covered a distance equivalent to London to Kuwait City – will we make it round the globe by the end of February?

Get involved by emailing and keep up to date with our progress by following us on social media.

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